Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback, this year we felt was something that we both wanted to improve on and gain throughout the process as opposed to only after we had finished our products. Leaving time to gather feedback, allowed us to improve our work multiple times and be notified of flaws and improvements that we did not recognize ourselves.

We have gathered and used audience feedback at multiple times throughout the course. The most prominent way was after each draft, we presented our work to the class and asked for their ideas of what they felt went well and what could be improved, this feedback either Emma or I wrote down and then typed up underneath the uploaded product so we could refer back to it when working on the next draft. Other useful ways of gathering feedback was individually asking people to fill out a questionnaire or presenting our work to a group who were free to give any opinion they felt would help us. These many different ways of gathering feedback allowed for a range of feedback and honest opinions that would genuinely helped improve our work.

Even for simple tasks such as choosing the name for the production company or which cover image we would use for the magazine, audience feedback, gave us an insight into what appeals to our target audience. From the earlier feedback, we learnt a lot about making things very clear and obvious, such as character relationships, as just because we were encoding messages and ideas into a text doesn't mean that every audience member would get a preferred reading. If we hadn't asked our target audience to speak to us about what they felt the story line of our text was and the relationship between the characters was, then the genre would not be entirely clear. A lot of the feedback reminded us of 'Genre is an intertextual concept' we noticed that our audience understood our genre because of what they already knew about films they had previously watched, placing generic codes and conventions made it easier for our audience to understand the genre. The feedback we gained was key to reminding us to stay focused on elements that the audience would be aware of and would expect to see.

Using different platforms such as survey monkey, verbal feedback and written feedback or asking people through social messaging such as WhatsApp, meant that we could quickly and easily gather feedback which we then discussed together. It was interesting to see what the audience responded to well and what people didn't like as much. By the end of the process, we had gathered plenty of feedback and we were comparing to our last year projects and realised the impact that this has had on the quality and suitability of our final product.

What have you learned from your audience feedback from samasmedia

Please listen to this clip as the example in slide 2 'The Trailer'  

After completing our final drafts for each text, we decided to ask our audience how effective they felt that each of the products were to establish how much the audience feedback improved our work and here are a few of the responses:


Evaluation - Question 2


Friday, 29 April 2016

Evaluation - Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Audience Feedback

Examples of our audience feedback. The examples below range from videos in which we interviewed members of our target audience, asking for feedback to our peers via Whatsapp, voiceclips and written feedback.

Name: Lucy
Age: 17

Lucy said that all three of our products looked professional which was positive feedback as this is what we had wanted to achieve. She also commented on our use of camera work and this was varied in the trailer which made it look more professional. Lucy also mentioned that our trailer was conventional therefore did not reveal too much of the storyline in order to make our audience want to go and watch the film and all three texts worked well together in promoting the film. One improvement Lucy suggested regarding the film poster was that the white border wasn't particularly conventional of film posters and maybe would have worked better if the main image filled the entire page. Although we tried this we felt that the white border made our product more unique and was still inkeeping with the drama genre. We used the white borders to make the poster resemble a polaroid to give the film a more vintage and gritty feel.

Name: Brieani

Brieani picked up on our storyline also. She said that she was intrigued to find out who 'The Others' were and mentioned that this presented a twist to the storyline of a sci-fi element which was effective in promoting the film because you had questions after watching the trailer in which you wanted to find out. She also mentioned the fonts used on the magazine cover were simple but effective as they weren't too distracting from the main image. The colour scheme was also quite feminine which was good because we wanted to have this throughout our texts to promote our strong female character. Additionally, she said that the galaxy background worked well on the film poster because it suggested an element of fantasy therefore this was consistent to represent our drama and sci-fi genres.

Check this out on Chirbit

From this feedback we learnt that our soundtrack definitely helped to convey our genre. This was enabled by the atmosphere it created to show the drama genre but also had an eerie element which hinted to the sci-fi genre to present our hybrid genre. Rasharn also pointed out that our camera work was good particularly the 360 shot around our female protagonist which added to the disequilibrium. Regarding the magazine and poster, the colour scheme was good such as the combination of blues, pinks and purples which created the fantasy element of our products linking back to the theme of our trailer. It was also commented that our products looked professional and worked well together in promoting our film.

This is an example of the written feedback we got. This was specifically for the completed cut of our trailer and commented on the improvements we had made and how this had worked effectively. For example, Laura liked the fact we had now included critics because it was conventional of the drama genre and the galaxy background added interest to the text. She also said that our use of sound was much better and helped to convey the storyline much better. The first thing she picked up on watching our new trailer was that there was definitely a sci-fi element to the film therefore the improvements we have made definitely helped to portray our plot better whilst still creating enigma and show our hybrid genre.